The Fault in Our Stars | X

6:50 PM Anna Marie Marayan 0 Comments

     If you know me personally, you could tell that I'm really not into books. I hate reading, and I don't spend much time with letters and languages (that would be too boring for me). Indeed, I have a poor knowledge when it comes to literature. I don't know what kind of spirit overpowered into me that I've read this book for just a short span of time.

     Since I'm not a fan of books, you might ask why did I come up reading such novel with high-level words used. I started looking for the copy of this novel when I was about to watched its movie trailer. It has a unique portrayed characters and of course a not-so typical love story.

(the photo below's not mine)

     Since I don't want to spoil everyone about the story of this novel, esp. the ones who are still not done reading it, then I wouldn't talk much about it. Better read the novel because it really has a unique story.

PS: I didn't bought the book. I found a downloadable pdf copy of it, and luckily it's for free. So if you wanna ask for a copy, you can comment your email add below and I'll send it to you :)

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