When your hear the word Christmas, what comes into your mind?

7:54 PM Anna Marie Marayan 2 Comments

Christmas has always been into our hearts but what does Christmas mean to you?
Well, for me...

Christmas involves gifts.

Christmas is the time when I can see beautiful lights and decorations on houses and streets.

Christmas is for parties!

Since Christmas is for parties, then Christmas is for food and the love of eating. This has always been my favorite part. Hahaha

But of course, Christmas is all about the celebration of the birth of the Holy Son, Jesus Christ.

There are only 14 days before Christmas Day!
What are your preparations? Are you ready to celebrate it?
Different races from different places might celebrate it in different ways, but the true spirit of Christmas is all about SHARING. So share, give and you could also receive.

Spread the love. ♥

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