
7:13 PM Anna Marie Marayan 0 Comments

 A sweet coffee for a good morning.

A time to be alone and think of the things you've done lately.

Cute li'l kittens that will make your day.

To go to Paris and explore how amazing it is.

A messy hair that would match on any style you want.

Aztec prints. Oh so love ♥

Dream catchers to help you wish for more!

 A line that cheers me every time I'm losing.

 And giveaway smiles to people who are worth it.

A love quote that keeps me holding and fighting the current relationship I have.

Loving someone who loves you back unconditionally and you're happily loving each other.

And this saying which I always keep in mind, forever. ♥

Random photos from weheartit.com. These are the few reasons why I love my life and why I'm enjoying it. I dream, but I'm contented for what I have. My experiences are my guide, my mistakes are my lessons, and my achievements are my dreams.

Enjoy your life. You only live once, so never waste any single of it.
Mwaaah :*

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